What does it really mean to be free… to have freedom?
A Webster’s Dictionary Definition: the quality or state of being free: such as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
I’d like to take a moment to speak to a “freedom” that allows you to be free of fear and worry. A freedom that lets you get out of your own way, take educated risks, and enjoy life a bit more, maybe a LOT more.
I could say, “don’t be afraid, don’t’ worry”. However, saying it does not make it so. We must believe and take action to realize our thoughts, our words. We must be committed to the outcome to have even a hope of realizing the outcome. We cannot simply wish it to be and it will be. We must do the work, take action to achieve our intentions.
Truth is, it is all up to you. You make a choice with every thought and ultimately every action you take. We think, we feel, then we act. It can be in an instant, a few minutes, hours, days, maybe longer to achieve a desired outcome. Always by our choice. Always with intention.
All that said, I must ask you, “for what purpose does fear or worry serve you?” Does it foster good outcomes for you? Is it a good use of the limited energy you have available to you? Does it take anything away from you? Does it provide you with good options to consider?
What if you were not afraid to go after that job that you knew you were prepared for? What if you offered a contrary opinion respectfully? What if you accepted or asked for a speaking part at a conference of 1000+ people which you had never done before? What if you left your job to follow your passion? What if … you believed in yourself and knew the worst that could happen is that you would learn and grow to become everything you could imagine and more? What would you be, do or have?
Inspiration, Preparation, based in Energetic Intention can change the world. Let’s start with you. What will you do differently with your new freedom – inspired, prepared, and energized?