Wow! What a statement. “Today I choose joy.” Let’s break this down.
Today, at this very moment, not tomorrow, I, not my boss, my mate, my children, I get to make this decision for me. I get to choose. We each have at every moment the will, choice to do whatever, be whatever, have whatever we choose. I know you are saying, no. I can’t just choose what I want, when I want, how I want. However, you do. Yes, you will think about consequences of your choice. There is the law of “cause and effect”. This law is always present. That said, you always have a choice for every action you take. You weigh the desired outcomes and make a choice. Some choices may be difficult to make, others quite easy. The easy ones are easy because you have decided you want and deserve the outcome you seek. Choices become difficult when we are uncertain of the outcome, we may be conflicted, unsure. Yet, when conflicts are resolved in ourselves and certainty is claimed, it becomes an easy choice to make. Now, how about choosing joy? What conflict or uncertainty would interfere with the choice of joy? What would cause you to choose anything less than joy?
Success in life is more about how you show up than what you know or even who you know. Yes, each is important. However, would you agree that the foundation for success starts with you? Your attitude, your behavior, your mindset, your commitment, your passion, your enthusiasm, your courage, your confidence, your conscious awareness of yourself provides this foundation. When we start with ourselves, then and only then, can we learn, attract, and be our very best for ourselves… and then for others.
I believe I have been blessed in many ways. However, I want to share with you a blessing that I don’t believe I fully appreciated until it was gone. I’ve only recently said it out loud and when I did, it brought tears to my eyes. For those who know me, I truly believe tears provide cleansing, not sadness. I am blessed to have known such a beautiful person inside and out.
This is a picture of my mother-in-law, Ms. Arvilla “Arvie” Littlejohn. I do not remember ever seeing her without a smile on her face. I always felt joy and happiness when she was around. She would brighten a room just with her presence, her laugh, her sense of humor, or simply her way of seeing a situation for what it could be with positivity. I loved and admired that about her. There were no problems, only new ways of thinking to bring about the best solution. She could make the smallest and simplest of things most enjoyable. For her, Disneyland was not only her favorite place on earth, she truly embodied the sentiment of Disneyland – “the happiest place on earth”. Happiness was wherever she was and she shared this sentiment with all of those she loved and loved her.
I came to call her Memom like the grandchildren and even her children. Memom left us letters of inspiration where her love of life, family, and all that matters most shines through in her handwriting. There are some nuggets I want to leave with you as you choose joy today and everyday. I consider them her greatest gifts to me and I read them most everyday to guide my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions always seeking joy in all that I think, feel, and do. May these touch you in a way that brings you joy.
Words from Memom:
“Our Creator endowed us with unlimited power within.”
“We live in an orderly universe that is governed by distinct and definite laws.”
“We succeed when we live in alignment with these laws.”
“Success is our birthright.”
“Learn to create exactly the future you want – in a systematic way.”
“You need to know what you truly want from life in your heart and soul – this must be chosen by you personally.”
“Believe in your vision (dreams).”
“When you change your thoughts, you change your results.”
“What we think about consistently, we bring about.”
“Your goals should be so exciting that you have butterflies in your stomach. That’s how you unlock the power of the mind and put it to work for you.”
“We are God’s creation – therefore worthy of all the good we desire.”
Memom, you are missed, though always near. I love you. Sherrie