A year has passed since I renewed my commitment to writing my blog. It has provided me moments to reflect, to think, and to feel the joy of writing and sharing. I hope you have found the blog posts of value. I trust that the posts have allowed you time to reflect and maybe look at life circumstances from a different perspective or one that supports your thinking.
As the year [and this decade] comes to an end we are faced with a transition. As such, I thought I would speak to a topic that I seek each day with meditation and reflection… P.E.A.C.E.
Pray for what you want and let it start with me. In my coaching, I am known to say from time to time, “You cannot change another person. Try as you might, you don’t know what another person is thinking or why they do what they do, unless you ask.”
When I pray (or meditate), I pray that I am a better person, that I see perfection in me and others, that I ask for what I want to be, and let it be. I believe the desired outcome will be done and I release. I know and claim what I want for me and let it be reflected in others. I pray with gratitude accepting life as I choose to see it. After all, who wakes up hoping for a bad day?
Giving thanks and expecting good things to happen by being an example of how great the day can be gives others permission to do the same. Pray that you are the best you can be each and every moment of the day.
Share with others and be the example. Yes, you can do it! Believe in yourself. No buts. When we choose to see the situation or the world through different lens, we give ourselves permission to get out of our own way. Get out there and try a new way or something new. Engage in a way that yields outcomes you desire. It is most beneficial to meet people where they are rather than where you believe they should be, or you want them to be. Demonstrate the behaviors you want to see in others and trust that your example will influence those around you.
Fill your life with that which brings you joy, love, laughter, hope, warmth, comfort, money, assets, people you respect, and truth. You might ask, “how do I do this”? Of course, I want these things in my life. Why does it seem more difficult to achieve than it should be?
The truth is, we are the product of our choices. When we decide to stop, look, and listen within us, to what is most important and meaningful to us, we can recognize that we have all that we want or accept what we want to do to create what is most important or most meaningful to us.
The world awaits all of you! Let go and let all that you are shine. Your abundance is yours for the asking and acting on all what brings you all that you desire.
Live with confidence, courage, and commitment knowing you are great, fabulous, talented, beautiful. Embrace the gift of life you have been given.
Let go of any doubt you might have and exchange it for courage. So what that you may fall down. Get up and go for it again, and again, and again until it works for you. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You learn something. What’s so bad about that? Learning is what keeps us alive, growing, becoming. Learning breeds confidence.
When we muster the courage to believe in ourselves, anything is possible. When you exhibit courage, confidence, and caring you give others permission to do the same. You will become a leader and others will join you on the journey. This perspective and commitment to you will serve you many times over and teach others in the process.
Every moment, every breath you take is founded in love or fear. You get to choose.
Think about it. Every thought is based in love or fear and you get to choose how you think. You control whether you live in a state of love or fear. Remember what I said earlier. “Try as you might, you don’t know what another person is thinking or why they do what they do, unless you ask.” On the other hand, you get to choose how you want to think, what you want to do. You get to choose how you want to show up at home, at work, and in life.
You might say, “oh, but you don’t understand.” Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. However, no matter what I think or someone else thinks, you get to choose your response, how you want to feel, and what you want to do. Consequences (Fear) or Opportunities (Love)? Yes. You get to choose.
“What if
P.E.A.C.E. – Prayer. Engagement. Abundance. Comfort. Enjoyment.
Love and Happy Holidays,