February 5, 2021


November 1st is All Saints Day which is commonly celebrated by Catholics and other Christian religions. It is a day to honor
February 5, 2021


The song by Sam Cooke (singer, songwriter, producer, music publisher), A Change Gonna Come, has been ringin
February 5, 2021


“I am great!” “I am living my greatness every day.” How does it make you feel to say these words out loud?
February 5, 2021


“Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its
September 7, 2020


Some of us can get frustrated, deflated, or feel defeated when things seem to not move in the
July 31, 2020


It’s August and we are still living through a pandemic. Some say this will last longer than anyone
June 29, 2020


COVID-19: the pandemic that the US continues to struggle getting under control.
May 31, 2020


And finally, Jim Rohn, wrote, “if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable,
April 30, 2020


I thought I would attempt to address some topics that have become more evident in mycoaching